As a gay man, Joel arrived in San Francisco looking for a better life — just like many lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people who came before him.
When Joel met his husband in San Francisco, they didn't believe they would ever be allowed to get legally married. For Joel and Lionel, it was a triumph to walk down the aisle. But in many parts of the world marriage equality still does not exist for same-sex couples.
In the United States, LGBTQ people can still be denied housing and healthcare in many states. Transgender people continue to face terrible discrimination and violence. Some states have passed laws that try to erase the mention of LGBTQ people in public schools, which will hurt both LGBTQ youth and the kids who have LGBTQ parents.
There is still much work ahead to ensure that all LGBTQ people can live fully and equally, and Joel is committed to leading the fight.