San Francisco’s budget is gigantic: $14 billion. It doubled the past decade, far outpacing population growth. If $14 billion isn’t enough to have twice-as-clean sidewalks and twice-as-fast Muni, what do we spend the money on?
Payroll is the biggest expense. We have 40,000 city employees — up from 26,000 in 2010. This far outpaced population growth. Our local government doesn’t have to be so bloated. Philadelphia has similar combined city and county responsibilities as San Francisco, yet serves twice the population on a lower budget with fewer employees.
City Hall is billions of dollars in debt for promised health care and pensions for all its employees, plus decades of retirees and their families. Cities can’t borrow their way out of a deficit the way the federal government does.
We need to change how money is spent in San Francisco. City Hall must stop treating residents like an ATM and focus on getting basic services right. We must audit every city-run program and only pay for what works.
We deserve an innovative city government that is fiscally responsible, free from corruption, and fully transparent.