Sunset Profile: The Repairman Who Keeps Ocean Beach Surfers in the Water
VIDEO (2:51)
Meet Mike Kanzler, a legend in the surfing community at Ocean Beach. Mike’s surfboard repair shop on 34th Avenue is an essential business for one of the Sunset’s most popular activities. He fixes every board by hand. He uses the trade skills taught by his father and first practiced in the wood shop class at AP Giannini Middle School.
“My job is about getting people into the water,” Mike says. “And keeping them there.”
Mike Kanzler
Video produced and edited by volunteer Phil Reiff. We encourage volunteers with media experience, retired journalists, and student journalists in high school and college to volunteer as video producers and writers for Supervisor Engardio’s newsletter. Interested? Apply here. Do you know a story you would like to see featured in the newsletter? Tell us about it here.